Sunday, May 26, 2019

Youth Strength Training: Facts and Fallacies Essay

Personal TrainingsIntroductionQuestion One It is imperative for human beings, both sportsmen and individualists, in general, to be flexible. For an individual to be termed flexible, he or she should have the ability to move through a certain ROM (range of effort). Stretching is one of the common exertions used by athletes and individual to attain flexibility(Berg, 2012). To reach a given increase in the range of motion, two mechanisms, either stint or other methods, be utilized. There are two categories of stretching dynamic stretching and static stretching. Dynamic stretching comprises of organized movements through the active range of motion for a joint. Static stretching is where a joint is moved to the end of its range during the stretch position for a static time. Stretching is confirmed to be one of the exercises that help reform flexibility in athletes and the population, in general. This improvement are classified into three categories Joint flexibility, hamst ring flexibility, and calf flexibility. In this categories, stretching generally improves the range of motion in joints, hamstring is successful at different positions of stretching, and calf stretching improves ankle dorsiflexion(Wuest, 2011). A general fitness program should have stretching exercise at moderated rates to avoid fatigue. Stretching is do at the beginning of the exercise and at the end of it. This is primal for the participants of the program to trigger their muscles for utilization and to free them after the session. Apart from improving flexibility, stretching is also important for muscle developing. It is scientifically proven that regular stretching exercise and taking enough weewee leads to muscles nurture. Stretching is also used for a cooling after a vigorous develop session because it decreases soreness and fatigue. It also important because it helps in joint rotations because it triggers the joints lubrication process.Question Two Perio dization is an organized method of a training period for an individual to achieve important knowledge and skills needed for personalized progress(Berg, 2012). The approach comprises of tolerantcycling of a number of training program aspects within specified periods of time.Periodization gives a chance to sequentially expand skills, knowledge, and attitude towards ones development and growth through a training session. As a technique, periodization has several components .that contribute to its success. However, common components include frequency, intensity, duration, and volume. Frequency involves the number of times an exercise is done in a consistent fashion. Intensity component of periodization is the uniqueness among individuals intermsof persistence, abilities, and personalities towards the exercise(Wuest, 2011). This component is the gradual development from basic training to more intense exercises as the remains adopts to advanced practices. Duration aspect is the who le time need for one to complete a certain level of training. Lastly, volume is the expanse of practice required for one to undertake during a particular training session. Volume is about avoiding taking too much exercise that may cause fatigue or taking little amounts that may non have an impact on the individual. Examples in which periodization can be utilized include cyclists training, weight lifters practice sessions, and in the process of child growth. This activity is important for everyone because it is the best approach that yield results to a given training. It is also inclusive of other aspects like cognitive practice which render it important across the divide of any population.Question Three After doing an analysis of five different articles, one of the common myths discussed include to begin with doing any exercise one has to do stretches(Rosen, 2014). The articles authors believe that stretching is necessary for muscle development and as an injury prevention e xercise. The media supports this fallacy to launch it line up by arguing that stretching makes the muscles tired by 30%(Muella, 2013). This adverse impact lowers the volume, intense, and frequency of exercise. Stretching is said to create tension which makes the persona training vulnerable for injuries(Yeh, 2013). Therefore, to justify this fallacy, walking and lifting light weights is recommended for individuals preparing for heavy training sessions. Stretching should therefore be done at the end of the training session(Faigenbaum, 2012). The media should say, that stretching is not a mandatory preliminary exercise before taking a heavy work out(Goudreau, 2012). It should be done at the end of an exercise to make sure that the muscles relax and lessens fatigue. It should also state other methods of warming up and preparing the muscles for a heavy work out. By mentioning these aspects, the media will succeed in fashioning the fallacy correct.Question Four Exercise has b oth benefits and risks among the young generation. Some of the benefits of practice among the youth include building and sustaining wellnessy muscles and bones, it moderates the possibility of developing continuing diseases such as diabetes(Milani, 2011). Youth who exercise at regular intervals has the benefit of avoiding obesity problems. Practice is also important among the youth because it decreases anxiety and gives them a ripe state of mind.Exercise has also proven to have positive impacts on academics performance of the youth as it increases their levels of attentiveness. Despite the many benefits associated with exercise and the youth, practice also fructify risk to the youth. Heavy training can cause stunted growth in the adolescents with less developed muscles. Training tends to consume much of their time and it may impact their academic performance negatively. Weight training is safe for the youth if it is executed safely and correctly. However, risks exist if the youth do not put it reflexion necessary measures for their safety(Milani, 2011). Such risks are mitigated by setting guidelines and tailor made practice sessions for the adolescents.ReferencesBerg, K. (2012). Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Recreation (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)) . smart York Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers .Faigenbaum, A. (2012). Youth Strength Training Facts and Fallacies. American Colledge of Sports Medicine, 1.Goudreau, J. (2012). Avery D. Faigenbaum. Forbes Magazine, 1.Milani, M. (2011). Is Weight Training Safe For Todays Youth? Total Human Performance Preparing Youth Today, 1.Muella, J. (2013). The outgo 6 Fitness Myths and Truths. SparklePeople, 1.Rosen, P. (2014). 8 Health Lies Trainers Tell. FitnessMagazine, 1.Wuest, D. (2011). Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport. New York McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.Yeh, I. (2013). The truth abou t common fitness myths. Health Newsletter, 1. Retrieved from http//,,20765578,00.htmlSource document

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